The Philosophy of the Shri Institute

 The Evolving Philosophy of the Shri Institute in Sanskrit in Rag Shri-Kala-Sammohini (Integration of Bageshri & Kalavati turned into Janasammohini)  & its English version in Rag LalitAnandaBhairava (Integration of LalitaGauri & Ananda-Bhairava), all as discovered in my capacity, with the evolving logos, symbols & emblems, all in a power point presentation.

The following audio is of Rag MadhuSareshri (integrated  Ragas Madhuwanti, Saraswati & Bageshri) as being discovered in my capacity. 

Above is the set of two idols, one each of the Lalita-Maha-Tripura-Sundari-Para-Bhattarika & the Maha-Sat-Saraswati with their Sanskrit verses; the idols & verses are as per Lalita Sahasranama for the Lalitambika idol & my inspiration for the Maha-Sat-Saraswati idol; they are the Ultimate philosophy of Shri Institute & the Universe!

Scientific Interests of this currently virtual Shri Institute could be pop-culturally defined as-
Integrative Theoretical Science of Origins of Life, Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Biology, Aesthetica! 
(ITSc-o-OoL-EB-E-a-EB-Ae -->It’s Cool Babae!)